Saturday, August 2, 2008

Workout of the Day ("WOD")

For time:
Run 400 meters
70 sit-ups
Run 400 meters
35 hanging knees to elbows
Run 400 meters
35 hanging knees to elbows
Run 400 meters
70 sit-ups

* knees to elbows - hang from a pull-up bar with your legs straight. Bring your knees to your elbows, knees should touch elbows. If you're unable to touch elbows with your knees, bring your knees as far up as possible.

* no rest between each exercise component.

Post your completion times to comments.

1 comment:


I did this one yesterday, looks easy but my heart rate was up the whole time - 24 minutes 16 seconds.

posted by Ewa