Monday, September 29, 2008

Last chance to help Shahnaz save lives!

Time is almost up! Please help Shahnaz raise money for this amazing cause! CLICK HERE to visit Shahnaz's website and spread the word! Every dollar helps and brings us closer to finding better treatment and cure.

Shahnaz and the entire DEA Ladies Endurance Running Squad thank you from the bottom of our hearts. This matters. A lot.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

DEA Museum in Los Angeles

The DEA Museum's traveling exhibit "Target America: Opening Eyes to the Damage Drugs Cause," an interactive exhibit that explores the science behind the damaging effects of illegal drugs on the mind and body and the other tremendous costs associated with the production, sale and use of illegal drugs will be on exhibit at the California Science Center in Los Angeles, California from October 2, 2008 through May 3, 2009.

The Science Center is located at Exposition Park in Los Angeles -- open daily from 10am to 5pm except Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s Day. Admission to Science Center exhibits is free. Parking is available in the guest lot at Figueroa and 39th/Exposition Park Drive at $6 per car. For additional information about the Science Center please call 213-744-7446 or visit

Friday, September 26, 2008

Thanks to generous donors and supporters!

The women of the DEA Baker to Vegas team would like to thank all our donors, sponsors and supporters! We will sweat and suffer through this run and love every minute of it, thanks to your continued support and generosity.

Weekend workout: run 4 miles!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Shahnaz runs like a girl!

Shahnaz is raising money to run the Nike Women's Marathon. She's almost reached her goal, but is not quite there yet.
Get your friends and co-workers to log onto Shahnaz's website and donate!
Let's get this girl running!!!


Saturday, September 20, 2008

We are registered for the race!

This year, on the 25th anniversary of the Baker to Vegas Challenge Cup Relay, 250 law enforcement teams will compete. We are lucky enough to be one of them. We will run alongside local, state and federal law enforcement officers from across the country and from as far as Berlin, Canada and Australia. What an honor.

This race will not be easy, so train hard and give it all you've got.

"There are clubs you can't belong to, neighborhoods you can't live in, schools you can't get into, but the roads are always open." - Nike

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Workout of the Day:

Run a 5K

Get out and run tomorrow!
or tonight!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Pasta Lunch Fundraiser

Wednesday, September 24, 2008
11 am - 2 pm
Los Angeles Field Division, 20th Floor

The women of the Baker to Vegas team will be serving fresh, home-made pasta, lasagna, salads and more!
Come enjoy a warm, healthy meal!!!

Fundraising continues!

We're happy to announce that our car wash was a great success!
Thank you to everyone that participated and everyone that donated to our team!
We're getting closer to reaching our goal!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Say No To Drugs Race!

For the 8th Annual "Say No To Drugs Race"
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Griffith Park, Los Angeles, CA
5K/10K Run & 5K Fun Walk
Please come out and show your support!